2011-12-26 10:54403
   领部位缺陷 defects in collar
  领外口松 collar outer edge too loose
  领外口紧 collar outer edge too tight
  领面紧 top collar too tight
  领面松 top collar too loose
  领里探出 collar band too long
  领里缩进 collar band too short
  绱领偏斜 unmatched collar
  底领起皱起绺 crimpy collar band
  领窝不平 uneven neckline
  后领窝起涌 circular wrinkle below back neckline
  底领外露 top collar uncover collar band
  起泡 crimpy top collar
  驳头外口送 lapel outer edge too loose
  驳头外口紧 lapel outer edge too tight
  驳头反翘 lapel sticking up
  驳头起皱 puckering lapel
  驳口不直 uneven breakline
  串口不直 uneven gorge line
  领卡脖 tight neckline
  领离脖 loose neckline
  衣片部位缺陷 defects in pieces
  底边起绺 uneven hem
  背叉搅 crossed vent
  背叉豁 unmeet vent
  后背下沉 back defect
  肩缝不顺直 shoulder seam defect
  绺肩 puckering on shoulder
  塌肩 sloping shoulders
  后身吊 bodice back too short
  塌胸 hollow chest
  省尖起泡 dart bubble
  腰胁不平服 wrong waist shaping
  袋部位缺陷 defects in pocket
  袋盖反翘 flap sticking up
  袋盖止口反吐 unfavoring flap
  袋盖不顺直 uneven flap edge
  袋口角不平 bound pocket defect
  袋口裂 unmeet bound pocket mouth
  袋口不方正 pocket mouth defect
  袋、袋盖丝绺不正 pocket or flap out grain
  袋形走样 deformed pocket
  门襟部位缺陷 defects in closure
  止口反吐 unfavoring front edge
  止口角不方正 front edge defect
  止口反翘 front edge sticking up
  止口不顺直 uneven front edge
  止口搅 crossed front edge
  止口豁 unmeet front edge
  绱拉链起绺 uneven zipper
  门里襟长短 unmatched front fly
  袖子部位缺陷 defects in sleeve
  前袖缝外翻 sleeve inseam swing out
  袖子偏前 sleeve hangs forward swing
  袖子偏后 sleeve hangs back swing
  绱袖不圆顺 uneven armhole
  袖子起吊 sleeve defect
  袖口起绺 uneven sleeve opening
  袖里拧 twist sleeve lining
  裉窝起绺 wrinkle lower armhole
  抬裉缝起绺 tight lower armhole
  裤腰部位缺陷 defects in waist of pants
  腰头探出 waistband extansion
  腰缝起皱 uneven waist seam
  腰缝下口涌 unmatched waist line
  裤裆部位缺陷 defects in crotch
  夹裆 tight crotch
  兜裆 short crotch
  后裆下垂 baggy seat
  裆缝断线 thread breakage at crotch seam
  小裆起绺 wrinkle front crotch
  里襟起皱 wrinkle fly shield
  小裆豁口 thread breakage at front crotch
  门襟起绺 uneven fly facing
  下裆十字缝错位 unmatched crotch cross
  门襟止口反吐 unfavoring fly facing
  裤脚裙身部位缺陷 defects in body of pants and skirt
  烫迹线外撇 creasing of leg curve to sideseam
  烫迹线内撇 creasing of leg curve to inseam
  裤脚前后 unbalanced legs
  吊脚 uneven leg
  裤下口不齐 uneven leg hem
  裤脚不对称 unsymmetrical leg
  裙裥豁开 unmeet pleat
  裙身吊 hem pull up and stand away
  裙浪不匀 uneven skirt flare
  裙底边不圆顺 uneven skirt hem
  线路 seam
  缉线上炕 sewing bow
  缉线下炕 sewing bow
  接线双轨 stagged seam
  绗棉起绺 uneven quilting
  缉线跳针 skipped stitches
  浮线 floating
  戳毛 damage to fabric
  眼皮 eyelid
  针孔 loops on the underside
  毛 loops on the top
  脱 thread breakage
  漏 missing stitches
  线头 thread end
  整烫 pressing
  水花 water spot
  亮光 pressing mark
  污迹 spot
  烫黄 overpress
  烫熔 melt
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